Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? 5 Perfect Dos & Don’ts

In the delightful realm of canine companionship, the question of what our furry friends can and cannot consume often arises. Nectarines, with their juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, may catch the curious eye of pet owners. However, before sharing this delectable fruit with your canine companion, it’s crucial to be well-informed about the dos and don’ts to ensure their well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore the nuances of whether dogs can eat nectarines and outline five perfect guidelines to follow.

On hot summer days, every dog needs some fresh fruits with moisture content to prevent dehydration in dogs. Nectarine would be a perfect choice for them. Now many dog owners might not know what nectarine is, and understandably the first question that comes to mind is, ‘Can dogs eat nectarine?’. Before explaining if dogs can consume nectarine or not, you need a brief knowledge of what nectarine is all about.

What is nectarine?

Nectarine, scientifically named Prunuspersica, is a peach-like stone fruit in size of an apple, round in shape, and yellow-red. Nectarines have either a whitish skin or a yellowish skin from the inside, while a smooth, firm, yellow-red skin on the outside is edible. It has low calorific value, fat, water, and dietary fibre. The white skin nectarine tastes sweeter than a yellow skin nectarine because it contains less acid.

If you are one of those dog owners wondering, can dogs have nectarine or not, he can have. Especially if your dog is fond of peaches, you should feed him nectarines. This fruit is a lot like peaches in many forms. Nectarines look almost like peaches from the outside and even taste like peaches. But obviously, there are some significant differences between nectarine and peaches, which make them different fruits, and that is nothing but a tiny gene. Due to this gene difference, nectarines have a very smooth outer skin while peaches have a velvet-like fuzzy skin.

Nutritional content in nectarines

Before getting straight to the answer for ‘can dogs eat nectarines?’, one must know its nutritional value first.Nectarine, being a fruit, is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Fibre is also abundant in roughage fruits like nectarines. The nutritional content of one medium nectarine measuring about 2 ½ inch diameter (142gm) is as follows –

Nectarines contain 62 kilocalories of nutritional components, of which 15 grams of carbohydrates is the primary dietary ingredient. Nectarine also contains some fats, which are  about 15 grams. Along with fat and carbs, nectarine also contains 2.4 grams of fibre, 11 grams of sugar, 1.5 grams of protein, and sodium.

Also, this fruit contains moderate amounts of vitamins and minerals, which is beneficial for the recommended daily intake of dogs. According to the RDI index, nectarine comprises 9.4% of Vitamin A, 13% of Vitamin C, 6% of Niacin or Vitamin B3, 4% of copper, and 4% of Potassium. It also contains traces of magnesium, iron, and manganese.

Benefits of nectarine for dogs

Can dogs have nectarines? In short, yes. It is essential to provide your dog with a balanced diet to keep him healthy and well-maintained. As stated above, nectarines are abundant in vitamins and minerals, and thus, they are a healthy treat to your dog. Let us look at the benefits reaped by your dog due to the presence of various vitamins and minerals –

Beta-carotene and vitamin A, present in abundance in nectarines, help your dog to maintain a healthy and shiny coat, along with solid bones and a well-maintained clean tooth. They also help in dealing with the “bad-breath” of dogs. Vitamin A is also responsible for clear eyesight in dogs, which is especially helpful in old age.

Fibre constitutes an ample portion of nectarine, and thus, nectarine helps in digestion issues for dogs and addresses GI tract issues and kidney issues. Fibre also helps maintain apparent faeces for dogs and provides them with energy, an essential component, especially in the pup stage.

Nectarines are low in the glycemic index; hence moderate amounts of nectarine are sure to benefit your dog in multiple ways. A low glycemic index helps maintain the blood sugar levels of dogs, especially for dogs suffering from high blood sugar. It also helps maintain perfect weight for dogs, especially for dogs of heavier weight or dogs suffering from obesity. So, the answer is, ‘yes’ for questions like ‘can dogs eat nectarines’ or ‘can dogs have nectarines?

The potassium content in nectarines is critical in maintaining sound body balance in dogs while also enabling ample enzyme flow and strengthening good musculature for dogs. Potassium is also vital in the proper functioning of dogs’ nervous systems and supports the endocrine system.

The magnesium content in nectarines is also rich, contributing to dogs’ excellent bone health. Enzymes like lipase are also activated due to the presence of magnesium.

Nectarines are packed with vitamin C, which can sometimes benefit dogs. Even though a dog’s body is capable of creating vitamin C on its own, some experts believe that in cases of toxicity due to the ingestion of substances like onion powder or propylene glycol for dogs, vitamin C boosts due to the consumption of fruits like nectarines can be beneficial in maintaining the toxicity level in dogs.

Side-effects of Nectarine

Can dogs eat nectarine? It is evident from the above-mentioned nutritional facts and benefits that nectarine can be suitable for dogs if provided in slight to moderate amounts. But, to discuss a particular food ingredient for dogs, we need to talk about the other side of the coin, such as the side effects of nectarine. The risk factors associated with nectarines are as follows –

The nectarine pit contains traces of cyanide which can be very harmful to dogs and humans alike. Don’t ever provide canned tins of nectarine or ready-prepared fresh salads to your dog. Ingestion of nectarine pit can lead to an unsteady gait in your dog along with vomiting, stomach upset, and a panting tendency which should immediately be addressed to your vet.

Ethanol poisoning is another hazard that can occur if you provide home-grown nectarine to your dog and the fruit has fallen from the tree. Decomposition of fruits form alcohol or ethanol. These are highly toxic for dogs. To prevent this, restrict your dog’s movement in areas where you grow the fruit, and windfall fruit lays strewn.

Smaller dogs or dogs in the pup stage can suffer from choking on the pit of nectarine. It will be best to serve nectarine to your dogs in sliced or chopped pieces to prevent this.

Nectarine is a hard fruit, and sometimes dogs in pup stages can damage or break their teeth trying to chew on it. To prevent this, always serve delicate slices of nectarine instead of the pit.

Even though nectarines’ glycemic index is low, too much nectarine can lead to disorders like high sugar levels, gastrointestinal issues, and obesity in dogs.

A Canine Culinary Compass: Navigating Nectarines with Care

As we unravel the mystery of whether dogs can indulge in the succulent world of nectarines, it becomes evident that a balanced approach is key. The dos and don’ts outlined in this guide serve as a canine culinary compass, guiding responsible pet owners through the orchard of potential choices. Remembering these guidelines ensures that your four-legged friend can savor the occasional nectarine treat without compromising their health. So, with a blend of caution and delight, let your dog enjoy the sweetness of life, one nectarine at a time.

Can dogs have nectarine? Of course, they can if you serve them in sliced pieces and no more than once or twice a week. Consult a vet if any side effects arise due to poisonings.

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