Zucchini for Dogs: A Healthy and Tasty Treat Guide

My dog Momo has been frequenting our kitchen garden for a few months. His omnivorous munching includes anything, especially zucchini. Dogs enjoy veggie snacks very much. There are many greens that are healthy for them, with the exception of some harmful veggies like onions and garlic, and zucchini is one of them.

Can dogs have zucchini?

Yes, dogs can have zucchini. Not only zucchini is safe for dogs but also it adds some benefits to your dog’s health. Just because zucchini is safe for dogs, does not necessarily mean you should feed them a lot of it. However, a dog who is fed a home meal generally acquires all the necessary sustenance. So if you are not feeding your dog complimentary veggie treats, there is nothing to worry about it.

Is zucchini good for dog treats?

Some raw flavoured vegetables are harmful to dogs, such as onion and garlic. But mostly veggies like carrot, spinach, squash, and zucchini is good for dogs. The prolific plant is full of vitamins, nutrients, and fibre. A cup of fresh raw zucchini contains only 20 calories. Also, it is low in fat and cholesterol, so it will surely not contribute to your dog’s waistline. If your doggo is overweight, zucchini is a safe dog treat for you.

Can dogs eat raw zucchini?

If you are a gardener dog parent, you should not have to worry if your dog eats raw zucchini or any part of its plant. The entire plant of zucchini is safe for dogs, each part of it carries a good amount of fibre and nutrients. However, feeding an excessive amount of this vegetable can cause your dog to be gassy. But zucchini is ok for dogs as a complimentary veggie treat.

How much amount of zucchini you should feed your dog?

Veterinarians suggest treats should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s diet. It is a great way to work out how much zucchini a dog can have.

For example, an older dog might eat 4 or more cups of food every day in their diet. While a small dog will barely eat a full cup of meal. You just need to figure out what 10% of your dog’s diet would be, and that amount of zucchini is safe for your dog.

Can dogs have zucchini products or cooked zucchini?

Steamed, cooked, or even raw zucchini is safe for dogs (although many people prefer a little seasoned zucchini to feed their dogs). Salt and oil seasoning is harmful to dogs, so you should not prepare zucchini for your dog with any of these ingredients. Rather some fresh chunks of zucchini is good for dogs. Experts suggest to not feed your dog zucchini bread or other baked zucchini products that are available in the market.

How to prepare zucchini for your dog?

You can make the zucchini for your dogs in various ways. But roasting or steaming is the easiest and healthy way. Remember, you can skip the seasoning part as well. The diet does not need to be fancy for your dog to enjoy it.

Not only zucchini is good for dogs, but it is also a nice alternative to commercial dog treats. But dogs do not have a herbivorous or omnivorous digestive system, so be careful about the amount whenever you feed your dog greens. An excessive amount can cause indigestion.

Caution for dogs eating zucchini

Although zucchini is safe for dogs and a non-toxic food item, some zucchini can be bitter and toxic. That is because of the cucurbitacins, a type of beta chemical.

Cucurbitacins are known as “bitter principles” in chemistry, for it gives off a bitter taste and sometimes, can be toxic also. Do not feed your dog bitter zucchini. In humans, toxic and bitter zucchini can cause vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea.

Add taste to your dog’s diet

Whenever you feed your dog any vegetable, make sure you prepare it properly. Through the simple preparation, you make it easy for them to digest.

  • Cut off the vegetable stalk
  • Blend or steam the zucchini
  • Chop them into small pieces

It breaks down the plant cell wall and helps your dog to consume the nutrients easily (though dogs can have raw zucchini if it is not toxic or bitter).

Benefits of eating zucchini for dogs

Zucchini is safe for dogs but it is better as a treat for a dog’s overall health. Some of the benefits your dog can have from zucchini are listed below:

  • This plant is enriched with vitamin A, B6, C, and K which is important for your dog’s good eyesight, bone, skin and metabolism.
  • Zucchini has high antioxidants, especially in its skin
  • Contains a lot of healthy fibre which helps dogs in digesting food
  • Plus zucchini is a low-calorie food. So it is a no-threat treat for an overweight dog

Risks of feeding zucchini to your dog

Although your dog can have zucchini as a delicious treat or mixed in with regular diets, eminent vets have a few suggestions before you feed your dog zucchini.

Taste the zucchini

Make sure you always taste the zucchini before feeding your dog. Zucchini that tastes bitter, can potentially have toxic elements. Larger zucchinis tend to be toxic generally. In that case, feed your dog the smallest one you can find.

Watch for any unexpected reaction

If your dog starts vomiting or experiences diarrhoea, stop feeding him zucchini and visit your vet.

Recipes for zucchini to feed dogs

Honestly, the simplest is the good one. Though you will find a good number of preparation ideas for your dog’s next meal on the internet. There is a hand full of zucchini dog treats and food ideas. Just do not forget to ask for vet approval first, before you feed any of them to your pup.

Final words

Pediatricians and veterinarians agree that zucchini is entirely safe for dogs to consume. But feeding them zucchini shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. A dog’s stomach may become upset if they eat too much zucchini at once. It is preferable to feed them little by little over time to avoid causing them an upset stomach or diarrhoea. Limit yourself to a few tiny servings per week.

Not just zucchini, but veterinarians also advise against regularly feeding your dog broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, or any other vegetable. As with most vegetables, zucchini is healthy for dogs to eat within reasonable limits and in moderation.

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